chapter ii: streets on fire

It's kinda ironic just how fitting Lupe's literary mural of an undetectable virus fits the current state of the world to a T with the Covid19 global health crisis.  This virus has been a step ahead every-time and even more-so when you have subpar leadership in charge and not 1) looking at the scientific evidence and 2) not acting in the best interests of the public.  It's a virus that's spread by the droplets of another carrier that enters the body of another, usually through the eyes or nostrils.

It has a range of symptoms, from common cold symptoms (fever, cough) to more serious symptoms (inability to catch one's breath, pneumonia, blood clotting).  Oh, it gets better! One can be an asymptomatic carrier and potentially infect someone else who will go on to have symptoms.  The only tools that we have been given to combat the virus? Washing one's hands often, not touching your face with your hands, wearing a mask when speaking with someone to protect yourself and them and finally, remaining six feet or more away when talking to others.

As these chapters are my avenue for putting my own thoughts out there, expect these to get personal more often than not. I have a few things that I fear, but this virus tops the list right now. The stories I've read, folks literally being choked to death from Covid19, the pictures of folks with damaged lungs, the rising amount of cases and body counts, people dying alone in the ICU or at home and not able to be comforted by their loved ones; Saddest part is the people that NEED to be catching it and dying are the ones who haven't shown one symptom. Turns out my aunt was diagnosed with it a few days ago.  

She woke up having trouble breathing and the ambulance was called for her.  She's doing much better now and she's expected to be released from the hospital later today.  Even so, this virus has a habit of leaving lasting effects on the body and the world still doesn't know enough about it for people to be partying and fraternizing without a care in the world and without a mask for that matter.  This is why I'm skeptical of being around ANYONE, even my immediate family, especially with most of us having underlying health issues.  

Do you know just how trash it is avoiding human contact since...*checks calendar* March? I don't even hug my folks, my mother, my grandmother.  My love languages are quality time and physical touch; to say I'm in hell would be vastly understated. I float out of bouts with depression on the regular, but somehow I'm finding ways to keep myself going. Meanwhile, the pandemic is only going to last longer and longer because selfish, entitled Americans feels their rights are being infringed on by telling them to wear a fucking mask. You don't want to wear a mask? Stay your stupid ass home, but I don't want to hear a word when sports are canceled in the fall, schools are forced to continue virtual learning and adults are still unable to return to their work environments and businesses are forced to stay closed.

All this because you refuse to act in the interest of yourself and your fellow man.

"You wanted it to be one, it's the other way."


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